Rock/ Classic Rock - Upcycled


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As proud Sphynx parents, we personally handcraft all of our shirts and sweaters in the USA, using our own original patterns. All our fabrics are selected and tested for comfort, function, durability and of course style.

Regular Size is for most adult hairless cats age 1 to 18. Bambino Size is for smaller adult cats and most cats 6 months to 1 year.

This is a Limited Edition cat shirt / sweater for your hairless Sphynx / Devon Rex / Cornish Rex / Peterbald, and even for some of our stylish furry friends. These are all one-of-a-kind official Toy Story upcycled shirts in Regular and Bambino sizes. When something is sold the listing will be removed and it is gone forever.

These sweaters fit like no other sweaters. Our original pattern has one hole for both front legs rather than individual holes. The unique design makes it easy to put on and take off, while allowing for improved mobility of your cat. No annoying Velcro anywhere. No awkward walking. All sweaters are machine washable and dryer safe unless specifically mentioned.




  • C. Beatles Regular Size (sold out)

  • D. Beatles Regular Size (sold out)

  • E. Beatles Regular Size (sold out)

  • F. Beatles/John Lennon Regular Size (sold out)

  • G. Beatles/John Lennon Regular Size (sold out)

  • H. Beatles/John Lennon Regular Size (sold out)

  • I. Betty Blowtorch Regular Size

  • J. Black Veil Brides Regular Size

  • K. The Clash Regular Size (sold out)

  • L. The Cult Regular Size

  • N. Def Leppard Regular Size (sold out)

  • O. The Doors Regular Size

  • P. The Doors Regular Size

  • Q. The Doors/Jim Morrison Regular Size (sold out)

  • R. Elvis TCB Regular Size

  • S. Elvis Regular Size

  • T. Charged G.B.H. Regular Size

  • U. Godsmack Regular Size

  • V. Grateful Dead Regular Size (sold out)

  • W. Jimi Hendrix Regular Size (sold out)

  • X. Jimi Hendrix Regular Size

  • Y. Jimi Hendrix Regular Size

  • Z. Jimi Hendrix Regular Size (sold out)

  • AA. KISS Regular Size

  • BB. KISS Regular Size

  • CC. KISS Regular Size

  • EE. Led Zeppelin Regular Size (sold out)

  • FF. Loverboy Regular Size

  • GG. Lucero Regular Size

  • II. MISFITS Regular Size (sold out)

  • JJ. Nashville Pussy Regular Size (sold out)

  • LL. Ozzy Osbourne Regular Size (sold out)

  • MM. Pink Floyd Regular Size (sold out)

  • NN. Pink Floyd Regular Size (sold out)

  • PP. Pink Floyd Regular Size (sold out)

  • QQ. Pink Floyd Regular Size (sold out)

  • RR. Pink Floyd Regular Size

  • SS. Pink Floyd/Roger Waters Regular Size

  • TT. Pink Floyd/Roger Waters Regular Size

  • UU. Poison Regular Size (sold out)

  • VV. Poison Regular Size

  • WW. Iggy Pop Regular Size (sold out)

  • XX. QUEEN Regular Size (sold out)

  • YY. Ramones Regular Size

  • ZZ. Ramones Regular Size (sold out)

  • AAA. Rolling Stones Regular Size

  • BBB. Rolling Stones Regular Size (sold out)

  • CCC. Rolling Stones Regular Size (sold out)

  • DDD. Rolling Stones Regular Size (sold out)

  • EEE. Rolling Stones Regular Size (sold out)

  • FFF. Rolling Stones Regular Size (sold out)

  • GGG Joe Satriani Regular Size

  • HHH. STYX Regular Size

  • III. The Unseen Regular Size

  • KKK. Eddie Van Halen Regular Size

  • LLL. The Vandals Regular Size

  • MMM. ZZ Top Regular Size

  • NNN. Black Sabbath Bambino Size (sold out)

  • OOO. ELVIS TCB Bambino Size (sold out)

  • PPP. Led Zeppelin Bambino Size (sold out)

  • QQQ. Bob Marley Bambino Size

  • SSS. Pink Floyd Bambino Size (sold out)

  • TTT. QUEEN Bambino Size (sold out)

  • UUU. Ramones Bambino Size (sold out)