MOVIES - Regular Size - Upcycled


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As proud Sphynx parents, we personally handcraft all of our shirts and sweaters in the USA, using our own original patterns. All our fabrics are selected and tested for comfort, function, durability and of course style.

Regular Size is for most adult hairless cats age 1 to 18.

This is a Limited Edition cat shirt / sweater for your hairless Sphynx / Devon Rex / Cornish Rex / Peterbald, and even for some of our stylish furry friends. These are all one-of-a-kind The Walking Dead upcycled shirts in Regular size. When something is sold the listing will be removed and it is gone forever.

These sweaters fit like no other sweaters. Our original pattern has one hole for both front legs rather than individual holes. The unique design makes it easy to put on and take off, while allowing for improved mobility of your cat. No annoying Velcro anywhere. No awkward walking. All sweaters are machine washable and dryer safe unless specifically mentioned.




  • A. 300 Regular Size

  • B. 300 Regular Size

  • C. Addams Family Regular Size

  • D. Addams Family Regular Size

  • E. Alice in Wonderland Regular Size

  • F. Alice in Wonderland Regular Size

  • G. Alice in Wonderland Regular Size

  • H. Alice in Wonderland Regular Size (sold out)

  • I. ALIEN Regular Size

  • J. Anchorman Regular Size

  • K. Ant-Man Regular Size

  • L. Avatar Regular Size

  • M. Avatar Regular Size

  • N. Back to the Future Regular Size

  • O. Bad Grandpa Regular Size

  • P. Bad Robot Regular Size

  • Q. BATMAN VS. SUPERMAN Regular Size

  • R. Big Lebowski Regular Size

  • S. Birdman Regular Size

  • T. Borat Regular Size

  • U. Borat Regular Size

  • V. Borat Regular Size

  • W. Born in East LA Regular Size

  • X. Breakfast Club Regular Size (sold out)

  • Y. Constantine Regular Size

  • Z. Dark Night Regular Size (sold out)

  • AA. Dark Night Regular Size

  • BB. Dark Night Regular Size

  • CC. Dark Night Regular Size

  • DD. Dark Night Regular Size

  • EE. Dark Shadows Regular Size

  • FF. Daywatch Regular Size

  • GG. Dawn of the Dead Regular Size (sold out)

  • HH. Dazed and Confused

  • II. Despicable Me Regular Size

  • JJ. Deuce Bigelow Regular Size

  • KK. Deuce Bigelow Regular Size

  • LL. Divergent Regular Size

  • MM. Django Unchained Regular Size

  • NN. Enter the Dragon Bruce Lee Regular Size

  • OO. Enter the Dragon Bruce Lee Regular Size

  • PP. Enter the Dragon Bruce Lee Regular Size

  • QQ. Exorcist Regular Size

  • RR. Fight Club Regular Size

  • SS. Friday the 13th Regular Size (sold out)

  • TT. Friday the 13th Regular Size (sold out)

  • UU. Friday the 13th Regular Size (sold out)

  • VV. Ghostbusters Regular Size

  • WW. Ghostbusters Regular Size (sold out)

  • XX. Ghostbusters Regular Size

  • YY. Ghostbusters Regular Size

  • ZZ. Ghostbusters Regular Size

  • AAA. Goonies Regular Size (sold out)

  • BBB. Goonies Regular Size

  • CCC. Goonies Regular Size (sold out)

  • DDD. Goonies Regular Size (sold out)

  • EEE. Gremlins Regular Size (sold out)

  • FFF. Harold and Kumar Regular Size

  • GGG. Hunger Games Regular Size

  • HHH. I Am Legend Regular Size

  • III. Indiana Jones Regular Size

  • JJJ. Jackass Regular Size

  • KKK. Steve Jobs Regular Size

  • LLL. Jurassic Park Regular Size (sold out)

  • MMM. LEGO MOVIE Regular Size

  • NNN. Litftle Fockers Regular Size

  • OOO. Lord of the Rings Regular Size

  • PPP. Lord of the Rings Regular Size (sold out)

  • QQQ. Lord of the Rings Regular Size

  • RRR. Lord of the Rings Regular Size

  • SSS.. Lord of the Rings Regular Size

  • TTT. Love and a .45 Regular Size

  • UUU. Machete Regular Size

  • VVV. Maleficent Regular Size (sold out)

  • WWW. Man on the Moon Regular Size

  • XXX. Mary Poppins Regular Size (sold out)

  • YYY. Matrix Regular Size

  • ZZZ. The Mechanic Regular Size

  • AAAA. National Treasure Regular Size

  • BBBB. National Treasure Regular Size

  • CCCC. Phantom of the Opera Regular Size

  • DDDD. Planet of the Apes Regular Size

  • EEEE. Princess Bride Regular Size

  • FFFF. Princess Bride Regular Size

  • GGGG. Pulp Fiction Regular Size

  • HHHH. Purge Regular Size

  • IIII. RAMBO Regular Size

  • JJJJ. Rock the Kasbah Regular Size

  • KKKK. Rocky Regular Size

  • LLLL. Rocky Horror Regular Size (sold out)

  • MMMM. Rudolph Regular Size (sold out)

  • NNNN. Scarface Regular Size

  • OOOO. Scarface Regular Size

  • PPPP. Scarface Regular Size

  • QQQQ. Scarface Regular Size (sold out)

  • RRRR. Serenity Regular Size

  • SSSS. The Shining Regular Size

  • TTTT. Silence of the Lambs Regular Size

  • UUUU. Silent Hill 3D Regular Size

  • VVVV. Sixteen Candles Regular Size

  • WWWW. Sixteen Candles Regular Size

  • XXXX. Smurfs Regular Size

  • YYYY. Suicide Squad Regular Size (sold out)

  • ZZZZ. Taxi Driver Regular Size

  • AAAAA. Terminator Salvation Regular Size

  • BBBBB. Terminator Regular Size

  • CCCCC. Terminator Genisys Regular Size

  • DDDDD. Tomorrowland Regular Size

  • EEEEE. Toxic Avenger Regular Size

  • FFFFF.. Toxic Avenger Regular Size

  • GGGGG. Tropic Thunder Regular Size

  • HHHHH. Twilight Regular Size

  • IIIII. Ultra Man Regular Size

  • JJJJJ. The Watchmen Regular Size

  • KKKKK. The Watchmen Regular Size

  • LLLLL. The Watchmen Regular Size

  • MMMMM. World War Z Regular Size

  • NNNNN. Wreck It Ralph Regular Size

  • OOOOO. Young Frankenstein Regular Size

  • PPPPP. Zoolander Regular Size (sold out)